Thinking Spidertracks

Thinking Spidertracks

Thinking Spidertracks !

Spidertxt 2.0 is a two-way operational messaging tool which allows aviation businesses to stay connected to their aircraft, no matter where they are in the world. With Spidertxt 2.0, traditional constraints of not being able to communicate with your aircrew when outside of traditional communication infrastructure are removed.

Spidertxt 2.0 enables person-to-person communication through either desktop or mobile devices, providing simple, reliable communication anywhere in the world. Messages can originate from any platform or device running the Spidertracks website or app and can be sent to any other platform or device on the Spidertxt network. Spidertxt 2.0 uses a number of available channels to send and receive messages, and a Spidertxt 2.0 message size is smaller than an equivalent iMessage size. For a single megabyte of data, you can send 25,000 Spidertxt messages.

Soon, Skypolaris will enjoy that nice feature !

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