North Pole

North Pole


I did it…!

But it was hard, hard before the flight and hard during the flight.

Sorry not being able to write much, I will try to do it when more relaxed.

This project is a true learning process. Much was anticipated, more..never expected.

How could I expect aircraft equipments to fail due to the cold temperatures?

How would I expect that my aircraft GPSs fail because overflying the North Pole.

Imagine you up there, and both equipments fail. What heading you set?

But…there is not heading !!!!

Even the satellite constellation failed !!!!

Fortunately, I was tracking the Sun and I was able to set a first approximate heading , until I was able to have my GPSs back.

So many things I have felt and saw,  that I think I will never be able to relate most of them,

Solitude, open wild and hostile spaces, pure beauty and risk.

Watch the fire, but don´t play with it.



Real Aeroclub de Málaga / Apr 15, 2016 8:51 pm / Reply

Hardest thing of this phase is done. Enjoy traveling home, Michel. Congratulations.

Lo más duro de esta fase ha pasado. Disfruta la vuelta a casa, Michel. Enhorabuena

skypolarisadmin / Apr 16, 2016 2:23 am / Reply

Michel does not need a GPS to tell him the way home. Many people do not know this, but Michel is a trained navigator and knows celestial navigation.
So the GPS can fail, the magnetic compass is almost useless at those high latitudes, there are no VOR’s to receive at the low altitudes, but you can’t turn off the sun and stars! And Captain Gordillo knows how to uses them.

Clemente Ros / Apr 16, 2016 4:00 am / Reply

Enhorabuena Miguel Ángel Gordillo Urquía!!!
No hagas caso, tu siempre supiste que tenías que poner RUMBO NORTE, lógico…
Cuando te recuperes, tienes que contarnos lo detalles.
Un fuerte abrazo.

Jorge Camuñas Garcia / Apr 16, 2016 8:18 am / Reply

Thanks God Michel is like Robo-Pilot, he has an inertial system inside his brain. GPS System doesn’t work in both Poles because the satellite net is not enough to cover everithing and the signal is lost. Appart front that I supose he felt like a blind person. Well done again.
Gracias a Dios Michel es como Robo-Piloto, tiene un navegador inertial en su cerebro. El sistema GPS no funciona en los Polos porque la red de satélites no es suficiente para cubrir todo y la señal se pierde. A pesar de todo supongo que se sintió como una persona ciega. !Bien hecho otra vez!

pablo otero / Apr 16, 2016 10:25 am / Reply


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