Eye in the sky

Eye in the sky

I couldn´t avoid it !

It was urgent already !


… and top the washbasin with water.

Was it really true?

Water started pouring through the hole at the bottom, and there was no turning, no rotation, just a straight downwards movement.

Staying so close to the Equator and not testing Coriolis effect was something that cannot be missed. I was departing north and away from that big circle, and of course that it was urgent to test it.

Comandante Gislène was waiting for me at the hotel. I was told he was coming at seven, he was told to come at six.

So I expedited and we had time for a coffee before departing to Boavista Airport and chat about local airplanes and friends. A pity not meeting him earlier !

Usually, when reading about this kind of flight, people imagine the beautiful part only. They imagine a seven or 14 hours´ flight, with all the things that happen during that time.

But the flight is only the small part of the affair. The day start early in the morning and ends late, and it is really hard sometimes, depending of the country, depending of the people.

The ¨Receita Federal man¨, the one who will allow my aircraft to be exported from Brasil was on time this day. At 0800 AM, his office opening time, he was right there.

I arrived at the airport at 0710, and got my passport stamped (the police at Boavista were very nice and helpful). Then I went to pay the airport fees….

Brasil has a system were the pilot or whoever pays for everything. Communications for instance, is a matter of how many times you talk with the Controllers. The local pilots told me that if the pilot doesn´t call, the Controller does, to increase that payment because they are required to proceed that way. Not a safety matter !

Pilots pay for navigation, approach, landing fees, stay and other areas. Those amounts also depend of the category of the airport.

Boavista is a second category airport. Natal is a first category one, so much more expensive.

Natal fees were around $100. At Boavista, cheaper one, they ask me to pay $300

No question !

I am not going to pay three times the amount requested at Natal.

What was going to be a matter of 15 minutes, turned into a 40 minutes one. There was no way for them to understand: they state that the reason of the price was because I was departing the country..!

So, if I wanted to depart, I had to pay and comply later, an so I did and will do comply later!

No need for more coffee, I was really upset !

The Customs (Receita Federal) man cleared the process but wanted to see the aircraft first. Flight plan cannot be dispatched without the stamp of customs, and take off cannot be before 45 minutes after the flight plan dispatch.

It took time for Customs to alter the process: first you stamp, then Flight plan is dispatched, and theeeennnn, during those 45 minutes, you check the aircraft and if you don´t like it, you cancel the process…..pleaaaase.

He was reluctant, but he granted the proposal.

Finally, at 0925 local time, I was able to take off.

EC XLL, after take off, turn left to AKTUM, climb to FL 130, squawk 6472 !

Finally was flying again.

Soon, I would know about Venezuela, Angel´s Fall and Colombia clearance, and crossing the Andes

When I entered Venezuela, I was provided a Maiquetia frequency, but since that very moment, I have not been able to communicate nor with them nor with Canaima airport. Two hours later, I got it.

Country side was much drier. The forest has almost disappeared. Just some huge Tepuis were in sight.

From that altitude, Tepuis are impressive. Air was not very clear, so I couldn´t enjoy more the beautiful view.



No transponder blinks, not a single aircraft communicating around, I approached the Auyan Tepui and has narrated, enjoyed one of the best moments in my life.

Angel 1

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Once away from Angel´s Fall, I was again flying high and overhead Canaima, I turned west.

The valleys of Auyan Tepui were covered by intense forest. That same forest was also present south of Venezuela, until Puerto Carreño. So intense that there was no difference with the Amazonas one I overflew before. Only difference were rivers. To be correct, no rivers.

No roads, nothing.


Going down was not a good idea.

The engine was running a little bit rough and I decided to change its sound. Just a psychological affair.

Copa aircraft was around and was the communication bridge between Argentina 1376 and Maiquetia. I asked Copa 254 to send my message to the controllers. Later on and finally, I was able to contact by myself with the frequency provided two hours before.

And it was not confortable.

I was requested all the route I would fly. I provided it but I don´t understand why they requested it if it is fully listed in the flight plan.

Then again I was asked for the Colombia clearance number.

¨Be sure to have it, because if not, you will have to turn back !¨

Second concern came to life. That strange colombian clearance I was provided was not a number.

Just in case, I even informed about the name, position and date of who provided me the permit. Fortunately, it worked and was welcome into Colombia.

Forest disappeared again. Before doing so, many fires were in view (I think that they were not produced by men).The Orinoco river was underneath. Impressive view indeed.

Cloud tree

I was cleared to fly lower, at just 8000 ft. That was better for my lungs and body. I did knew that later I would have to climb and low oxygen pressure in the blood versus time is a factor to be considered.

Then, approaching the Andes, I was requested to clim at 15000 ft, then 17000 and finally to 19000 ft.

The decision to change the route the night before in order to enter Medellin from north was a good one. Huge thunderstorms south of my path were clearly visible. But it was not enough. Big ones were also in front of me.

I have decided to cross the Andes visually (my third concern for the flight), and to follow the lower roads paths, but it was imposible.

Would I success?

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Of course, the transponder ¨failed¨ to report altitude. That happens from times to times and at a very particular places, you can imagine.

Oxygen, oxygen, power, altitude, safety….

And faith !

We say in Spain: ¨siempre hay un hueco para un piloto honrado¨ that means more or less, that if you are not a bad guy, there will be an opening in the sky for you.

I have used that saying many times. It worked and still work.

I was not easy. I deviated north from the airway (I don´t understand why airways are just on top of many of the highest elevations!) and flew following my ipad map chart, that was good. Also checking for stones and exit routes.

I was fortunate: no turbulence, no drafts. Many times those drafts override any capacity of airplane´s climb, even the bigger airliners.

Uuuf !!! I did it, I was at the other side !!!

Cleared to MRN VOR at 12000 ft and then radars vectors into an ILS runway 01.

ILS means Instrument Landing System, and it is like a tilted electronic cone, whose axis is set around three degrees from horizontal.

The pilot flies that axis until very close to the runway. It is the standard procedure for precision approaches and very good one.

The Rio Negro airport ILS is between mountains, so it is important to fly the procedure right !

The area was quite busy with airplanes and communications saturated.

Finally I landed at this high elevation airport (6967 ft) and relaxed a little bit.

Just a little bit.

After an early get up, 07:25 hours flight, and many ventures, I had to face with airport and country procedures.

I had to import again the aircraft into Colombia (even if the aircraft would never leave the international area). All the procedures took some five hours and I was not able to reach the hotel before seven hours after landing !

Really kind and supporting, the customs officers made everything easier.

That is the other side of the coin: the price to be paid to fly free, to see the world away of every administrative, political of human related things.

Meanwhile, taking infinite samples of black carbon in the air, over remote areas, will provide a very good information for Science, and I feel really glad to help.

Flying as I am doing is very special. A true life gift, as human being and as pilot.

The small cockpit is like a bubble in the air, floating around, and as Alans Parson Project plays: an EYE IN THE SKY


Miguel / Mar 13, 2016 8:36 pm / Reply

Más corre el galgo que el mastín, pero cuando el camino es largo, más corre el mastín que el galgo.
Como siempre y salto a salto, estamos contigo Michel.

Ana Alvarez / Mar 14, 2016 7:23 pm / Reply

Suerte para lo que te queda, ya veo que vas genial. Mucho ANIMO!!!!!

Lucy / Mar 14, 2016 7:55 pm / Reply

Go! Go! Go! Michel, contigo yo voy!

Tomas Hirschmann / Mar 16, 2016 3:55 am / Reply

Te esperamos en Guatemala Michel, y hoy convine con el Aeroclub que mi hangar estara a tu disposicion durante tu estadia en MGGT. Buenos vuelos, buenos vientos, y buen clima, algo brumoso en Centroamerica en esta epoca.

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