black hole

black hole

Grail and winds, swirls, icing and lightning strikes. The pure flight is not always easy.

People, individuals, can hurt so much that it is really hard.

I was told at Mexico City that I needed a VISA if I want to fly my airplane inside USA. I was told also to fly close to the border and enter the country on foot to have a 90 days waiver issued. Then, I was told to fly into the border US customs airport, to have the aircraft checked and both of us cleared in without the need of that VISA that take so long to be provided.

If I am ok to stay in America, and the aircraft is OK too, it seemed ok to try that procedure and avoid delays.

I called Laredo customs and was told to proceed that way. Also Mcallen was ok on the phone call.

So I approached the Rio Bravo river and got a strange sensation. A lot of people was crossing the border. I have heard so much about immigration problems that it was really hard to be there.

Soon I was provided the visa waiver and returned to the airport.

Jorge Cornish and Malu had already landed at Mcallen ( they had their Visa) and were waiting for me.

As soon I cleared the Mexican procedures for departing aircrafts, I took off for the five minutes´flight.

Upon landing I was directed to the customs ramp and went through the procedures. That ramp is isolated from the main one.

Both the customs Officer and myself were surprised as he was the one who helped me out at the Bridge over the river.

He was quite supportive and stamped the passport to allow my clearance. Some Sport Aviation magazines were around, so we had time to chat together.

Then the phone call changed everything: his Supervisor told him to cancel the clearance and remove (withdraw) the waiver I got at the bridge few hours before. Also, I would have to return into Mexico at that very moment .



It was really the worst part of the flight !

The reason: trying to enter the country with a lightplane without Visa !!!

It was already close to 7 pm. A lot of documents were writen, photos, fingers prints, weight, hair colour, and things like that.

Reynosa airport was closing so I was suggested by Reynosa itself to fly into Laredo or Matamoros.

I chose the second one as it was really late and closer.

Strong head wings didn´t help at all, but finally I landed at MMMA ( Matamoros), after flying open throttle , low level, close to the huge top lighted poles, at the very edge of airport closing time.

What a hard day it was.

Started beautifully, with nice weather and tailwinds. Formation flying with Jorge and Malu, and a lot of pictures, until the fastest Mooney disappeared in front of me, speeding into Mcallen.

So, the situation is the next one:

I cannot enter the country nor fly commercial into Sun And Fun.

I have applied (first a Mexico City ) and again here, for a Visa, but until the 7th, I will not have an answer. If lucky, they will accept also the urgent way, but even so, I will have to wait here, for the Visa, that will be sent via DHL.


-Overfly US without landing (if cleared, that it is not sure either), direct to Canada

-Same thing, but overflying Lakeland ( if FAI-International Air Sports Federation) allows to remove Lakeland as check point (some 14 hours´flight) for my project.

-Wait for the Visa ( if granted, because waiver removal can jeopardize the clearance).

It is a very hard moment for Skypolaris.

I don´t feel well at all.

Sorry, guys !!!


Real Aeroclub de Málaga / Apr 5, 2016 11:04 am / Reply

Mucho ánimo, Miguel Ángel. No te rindas ahora. Estamos contigo. Muchos abrazos.

Jordi Carrasco-Munoz / Apr 5, 2016 12:09 pm / Reply

Tranquilo Michel. Has salido de situaciones mucho peores que esta, asi que no hay que preocuparse. Te acuerdas en Vietnam?

La burocracia no vencera a tus suenyos, de otro modo no hubieras llegado ahi.

Tranquilidad y perseverancia. Un fuerte abrazo.


Angel / Apr 5, 2016 1:59 pm / Reply

Michel, es complicado valorar desde aquí los problemas que tienes para seguir, pero seguro que tus energías son mucho mayores que las dificultades. A lo largo de tantos años siempre tu ánimo ha sido volar, volar y volar, a pesar de todo y de todos, tu vida lo dice. Como parece que no puedes conseguir todo, si físicamente estás bien, descansa mentalmente un poco y aplica esa tozudez innata tuya con el sentido del humor que también tienes. Te envío mi ánimo para que decidas lo que más te convenga pero seguro que es continuar con tu proyecto y con el de tantas personas que pensamos en ti. Un fuerte abrazo.

santafe / Apr 5, 2016 6:11 pm / Reply

Animo Michel, estamos todos contigo!

Aviación Digital / Apr 5, 2016 9:40 pm / Reply

Quizás sólo se trate de un capítulo que contarás anecdóticamente a tus nietos… Mucho ánimo campeón. Seguro que se soluciona.

Miguel / Apr 6, 2016 9:33 am / Reply

Parece mentira que la mayor complicacion te venga de USA
lo de los polos va a estar chupado ,!!!!
Lastima, verdadera lastima…

Peggy Helm / Apr 6, 2016 4:44 pm / Reply

Buena suerte Michel! Estoy rezando que todo te vaya bien pronto! Eres una inspiracion para todos y esto se puede resolver!!

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